Methods of energy savings in air compressors - Atlas Copco (2024)

Green production

How much can I save?

Energy-saving compressors reduce expenses. By using significantly less energy, they reducethe production cost of compressed air.Since most of a compressor’s total cost of ownership comes from the energy costs, these cost reductions can have a big impact on your energy bill. Butis there a way to calculate exactlyhow mucha businesscansave by going green?

This is a particularly important question for smaller companies, which may be worried about the higher initial purchase priceof an energy-efficient compressor. To them, it might seem that the “safe” option would be tokeep usingtheir oldcompressor even though it generates a massive electric bill.

However, there is nothing safe about sticking with old technology at a time whenthosewho decide to go greenareenjoying asignificantcompetitive advantage. In fact,not switchingtoenvironment-friendlytechnology is much riskier because itinvites uncertainty to production processes.

Green air compressorsprovidestability. They do not just guarantee that a company will lower the production cost of compressed air – and thereforearemoreprotectedfromhighly fluctuating energy prices – they also offer greater reliability, longer maintenance intervalsand ensure compliance with current and upcoming emissions standards.

Getting help to determine specific savings

In most cases, the direct and indirect savings and benefitsof switching to a green compressorwill be substantial – especially the lower production cost of compressed air as a result of an energy cost reduction.

The specific figure depends on factors such as a company’s compressed air needs or the type of compressorthey choose.
For example; a variable speed drive compressor versus fixed speed compressors. With that information, our experts can help calculate how much a businesscansave bybuying agreen air compressor.

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How to achieve air compressor energy savings?

Making plant compressed air savings

Methods of energy savings in air compressors - Atlas Copco (1)

Going green is not just about buying a new compressor. Optimizing their existing compressed air network typically offers businesses more than one option to reduce energy consumption and the cost of compressed air. A compressed air system requires attention and care. Neglecting it will invariably lead to inefficiencies that can be quite costly.

  1. That is why a compressed air system should be carefully monitored and controlled.A simple example is that of the working air pressure. A higher pressure means an increased energy use, which means higher operating costs. On average, 1 extra bar of pressure results in an average of 8 percent more power required. That quickly adds up.

    Many companies make the mistake of simply increasing their working air pressure when there is a pressure drop in their air system. While that seems like an easy solution, it is also an expensive one and quickly leads to an increase in the cost of compressed air. For example, a two-millimeter leak at a pressure of 8 bar can cost a business thousands of dollars annually.

  2. That is why investigating the causes for the pressure drop, which could be anything from a leak to an under-dimensioned pipe system, old equipment or a clogged filter, is key. This means operators should always be aware of how much pressure they actually require and where their system may lose pressure. As a rule of thumb, the compressed air network should be designed so that the loss of pressure between the compressor and the most distant piece of equipment that consumes the air should be no greater than 0.1 bar. Anything else will quickly be reflected in a company’s electric bill.

    A good way to manage a compressed air system is the use of a state-of-the-art master control system that monitors its efficiency, availability and reliability. It cannot only detect problems but also automatically reduce the working pressure, i.e. reduce costs, when the air demand is low, for example at night or on weekends.

  3. Another good way to cut costs is to add an energy recovery system to the compressed air network. More than 90 percent of the energy a compressor uses can be recovered in the form of heat, which can be utilized elsewhere. As a result, the investment for such a system often pays for itself in less than three years.

    The most important thing to remember is that nearly any compressed air network can be improved, especially those that do not use state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge controllers. And for even more savings, check in with an Atlas Copco expert to find out how your company can benefit from going green.

See the carbon footprint impact of your energy savings

Step 1: Select your currency and unit of measurement

Step 2: Fill in your annual running hours, system power, and electrical cost per hour

Step 3: Choose the percentage of energy saving

1 bar air pressure band reduction: 7%
Changing from fixed speed to VSD: 35%
Changing from fixed speed to VSD+: 50%
Installing an energy recovery system: 94%

Step 4: Select the numbers of years to visualize saving over time

Have a look at the estimation of your reduction in electricity costs and your CO2 reduction. To make it more tangible, we visualized the reduction in CO2 in more common comparisons such as CO2 emissions from charged smartphones and a households' yearly electricity use.

Contact our experts

  • Every cost of air generation
  • How to improve your energy audit results?
  • More on cost reduction with green production
Methods of energy savings in air compressors  - Atlas Copco (2024)


What are the methods of energy saving in an air compressor? ›

Using cooler air, which is denser, allows compressors to use less energy to produce the required pressure. For example, if 90 degree F intake air is tempered with cooler air from another source (outside air during cooler temps) to 70 degree F, the 20 degree F temperature drop will lower operating costs by almost 3.8%.

How can I reduce the power consumption of my air compressor? ›

As a rule of thumb for most compressors, a reduction of 1 bar in pressure (14.5 psi) will lead to a 7% saving in electricity consumption. The pressure settings of the compressor should be adjusted until the lowest pressure can be reached and the pressure band reduced without affecting the application.

What is the most energy-efficient air compressor? ›

A two-stage double-acting reciprocating compressor is the most energy-efficient air compressor. Typical specific power at 100 psig is approximately 15 kW/100 cfm to 16 kW/100 cfm.

What is the efficiency of an air compressor? ›

Compressor Efficiency Definitions

Adiabatic and isothermal efficiencies are computed as the isothermal or adiabatic power divided by the actual power consumption. The figure obtained indicates the overall efficiency of compressor and drive motor.

How to reduce the power consumption and compressed air consumption in our manufacturing industry? ›

Operate only the number of compressors required to meet demand at any given time. Use an automatic sequencing of compressors to help optimize which compressors are in-use during peak demand cycles, cutting your operating costs.

Does an air compressor use a lot of electricity? ›

There is just one drawback: Compressing air consumes a lot of energy. In fact, it uses more than 10% of the world's electricity. With energy prices on the rise, these costs quickly add up.

What is the reason for reducing the compressor efficiency? ›

Air compressor efficiency can be drastically reduced in a very short time when dirt, salt water mist, or similar air con taminants enter the inlet air. Contaminants will accumulate in the air compressor and reduce its compression efficiency.

What are the different efficiencies of compressors? ›

Generally, axial flow compressors have an overall efficiency of 80-95% depending on their situation. Volumetric efficiency, polytropic efficiency, isentropic efficiency, and degree of reaction, all affect the overall efficiency of a compressor.

How do you control the speed of a compressor? ›

Variable speed drive (variable frequency drive) compressor controls use a frequency drive to control the frequency of the electrical signal to the motor. This, in turn, varies the speed of the motor and airend, controlling capacity. This provides a nearly proportional flow to power ratio at part load.

What is the most efficient control method for dynamic compressors? ›

The general method is to throttle or deflect the flow of suction gas into the impeller. With most models it is possible to reduce the pumping capacity down to 10–15% of full flow. The availability of low-cost inverters has led to the use of variable speed drive which offers increased centrifugal compressor efficiency.

Are air compressors energy-efficient? ›

However, with over 80% of its input energy being lost as heat, air compressors are naturally inefficient.

What are the methods and techniques of energy conservation in air conditioners and blowers? ›

Balance the system to minimise flows and reduce blower or fan or pump power requirements.  Eliminate or reduce reheat whenever possible. Use appropriate HVAC thermostat setback.  Use morning pre-cooling in summer and pre-heating in winter (i.e. – before electrical peak hours).

What are the energy-efficient techniques in HVAC? ›

Use Curtains and Blinds: Keep your curtains or blinds closed during the hot summer days to reduce the heat in your home. In the winter, open them up to let the warm sunlight in during the day and close them at night. Use Fans: Ceiling and floor fans can improve your HVAC system's efficiency by circulating air.

What is the energy requirement for an air compressor? ›

Power requirement is approximately 2.0 to 3.0 kW/100 cfm. One of the most important aspects of a compressed air system is how it is controlled.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.